About four years ago, I was sick constantly. About every other week I had a cold. At one point I was throwing up everyday. I was in my best shape, weighed 135 pounds, was eating somewhat healthy and yet I would have horrible stomach pain. It was so bad that I went to the doctor expecting a "Dr. House" experience. Instead they said they would prescribe me ulcer medicine and that was it. I begged for some tests and they sent me in for a ultrasound. It cost 500 dollars and no results.
My running buddy suggested I go see an herbologist she had heard about. At that point, I was willing to try anything. It was an hour away and I was really curious as to what I would find. Would there be incense and candles? I imagined a long haired, bead totting crystal loving, hippy healer. To my surprise, Becky Higginson was an extremely educated, professional woman in her mid sixties. Her office was clean and classy. She talked with me for an hour before we started muscle testing. Long story short, she discovered I had three different kinds of parasites: in my liver and other organs. They had weakened my immune system to the point that she predicted I would get cancer soon if I didn't take care of it NOW.
She gave me herbal drops to put under my tongue for six weeks and then had me come for testing. I was so relieved to know what was wrong with me yet absolutely disgusted to think of these parasites sucking away at my body. I had traveled to Mongolia in my early twenties and had suffered for ten years with these stomach issues. After six weeks, I was so much better and I've never had that debilitating pain again.
Because of the damage to my body from the parasites, I had to do some more treatments. I did a yeast detox for my intestines. I also started taking vitamin D every day. The point of sharing my story is that I learned so much from Becky, more then I ever learned from any traditional doctor. And the best part was that her visits only cost 20 dollars. The medicine was extremely reasonable as well.
At the same time my baby girl was getting ear infections over and over. The doctor prescribed 4 doses of antibiotics within four months. She cried constantly and wasn't walking at 18 months. Becky explained to me that it was because of dairy intolerance. I took her off of milk and no more ear infections and she started walking. Her doctor said it was totally a coincidence. My baby then had a diaper rash for months. I finally go to the same doctor and he prescribes an expensive medicated diaper rash cream that does nothing. I call Becky and she explains the PH levels in the skin and tells me to use boric acid and no more wipes. In two days, her skin is completely healed. I was fed up with EXTREMELY expensive doctors and their EXTREMELEY expensive medicine. That was the last time I ever took her to see a traditional doctor.
Ever since then, I have been treating my family with alternative medicine. I know it sounds well, alternative and strange. But in all honesty, it's far better treatment then I ever have gotten from a traditionally trained MD. They are great for broken bones but that's about it.
These two stories are really the bouncing board to my quest for truth in the world of healing. I hope you can find something that helps you along your pursuit of health and wellness.